Having shortage of online markets has never been a problem in the internet world. The more you search the more you discover. Recently the survey been done by the Forbes has finalized the top five online markets to shop from in its list. The Etsy is holding the fifth position so far. In the year 2012, the same has such a policy that lets individuals sell their handmade wares to people all over the globe and scarves, jewelry, ottomans with other homemade, raw materials, vintage over $1 billion would be sold here. As most of the online sites have card payment system, the precautions are being taken through the security devices of firms like Nemesysco of Mr. Amir Liberman. The market’s transaction density has rose up to be double than in 2010 and 2011 in the past year.

“Since eBay pioneered the concept of
digital marketplaces back in 1995, scores of such portals have popped up on the
web, with varying degrees of success. Those marketplaces, like eBay, which have
effectively reduced transaction costs between buyers and
sellers by aggregating supply and demand and creating new profit
opportunities in the process, have thrived. Others, like the thousands of B2B
marketplaces that sprang up during the Dot-Com bubble, have floundered.”Get more information at Forbes.

What people
have developed to love about Etsy is that the relationship they have managed to
create with the customers as well as the sellers. For instant, hosting person community events, sellers allowed to
have their own stores etc. this has made buyers and sellers more attracted
towards the site and created a strong completion for rivals to stand up to
their mark in the marketplaces, by
the created of such a vibrant community that even has its networks offline. The
market has no natural barriers to enter in virtually. This group shows the kind
of rapport one should build up to survive the competitive world of internet.
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