When it comes to recycling, Ireland is one of
the best and well educated countries in the world, there are several Non-profit
organizations, continuously working to meet the targets and recycling the
devices and electronics not for making profit but to save the environment. Such
Organization called Camera Education, which is a charity group tackling the
problem with better e-waste management and recycling has recently announced
that they will be recycling their 100,000 computer with doing a survey about
the awareness of raising e-waste crisis in the world. The groups was started
back in 2005 and has extracted hard disk from 116,989 computers and sell about
54395 refurbished Systems to poor schools and organization to develop the
education. Nowadays, education sectors have also been evolved and need
equipments to teach to students.

This will be a good idea by cleaning the environment
and evolving the education system, because every schools and student needs a computer
in order to catch up with the new technologies and it is very good that people
will get advantage from e-waste. The figures says that last year Camera
accepted more than 176 tons of waste and there were about 74 tons of Computers,
cell phones and other IT equipments, which they refurbished and send them to reuse
in schools across the world. The companies in the industry are now focused to
extract the metals from the electronics to makes new hardware and it will never
go stop but this idea is good.

“The charity
accepts donations of IT equipment from organizations and individuals. Once the
computer's data is securely erased, the machine is evaluated for reuse. If the
equipment is not deemed to be suitable for reuse, it is sent to The Recycling
Village, Camara’s local accredited recycling partner. "Reusing
computing equipment is an excellent way to mitigate the negative environmental
impact that is generated over the life cycle of a computer”
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