Sunday, July 13, 2014

Italian cheeses: delicacy of the place

The specialties of places differ vastly, some has their specialties like herbs, some has clothes, and some has spices and so on. Italy, which is a very beautiful city, has cheese varieties in the name of its delicacy. The different type of cheese is one of the attractions of the place since ages. Have you heard of the quote that says The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese?no? Well, now you did. The names would be tricky to memorize but the taste does not leave the tongue. Here it goes: Bel Paese, it is the white creamy textured cheese that’s made from cow’s milk. It is considered to be the modern cheese from the region of Northern Italy, Lombardy. It can also be replaced with mozzarella in cooking recipes.
“‘It's mostly Mars Bars and peanuts and cheese and you go to the fridge and there's Red Bull and Beer. It's not like people are holding me down and pouring beer in my face. My background is Russian, so cheese and potatoes are my love. There was plenty of that. And fried cheese! It is really, really, really good and really, really, really bad for you. It's like an artery on a plate.”

Ø  Gorgonzola, the cheese is creamy but blue that has its range from mild ‘gorgonzola dolce’ to extremely sharp ‘gorgonzola’ which depends on the time period that it has been aged. The same is considered to be good for salads and dips and is available in the entire marketplaces all over the world.
Ø  Fontina Val d’Aosta, the oldest cheese of Italy is dence. The cheese is dence, slightly elastic and smooth. It has the straw-color interior along with round holes with delicate nuttiness and a hint of mid-honey. As it gets melted the same gives the flavor of earthy mushrooms and fresh acidity. It ripes in about 3 months and its fat content is 45%.

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